Starving the Anger Gremlin for Children Aged 5-9

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Starving the Anger Gremlin for Children Aged 5-9 koupíte na
480 Kč
Skladem (dodání do 3 dnů)

Krátký popis
The Anger Gremlin is a naughty creature who loves to feed on angry feelings, and the angrier you get, the bigger he gets! Packed with fun, simple activities and games, it will help children aged 5-9 understand why they get angry and how they can control their angry feelings to make the Anger…

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Výběr knih autora Kate Collins-Donnelly

Zobrazit všechny knihy autora Kate Collins-Donnelly
Výběr knih vydavatele Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Zobrazit všechny knihy vydavatele Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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