Iran) Tehran K. N. Toosi University of Technology Majid (Professor Ghassemi, Iran.) Parand Islamic Azad University Parand Branch Majid (Department of Mechanical Engineering Kamvar, Robert (Chair in Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Resea Steinberger-Wilckens
Cena od 4 313 Kč
Chci koupitR.O.C) Taiwan Kaohsiung National Sun Yat-sen University Department of Computer Science and Engineering Chun-Wei (Assistant Professor Tsai, National Sun Yat-sen University Department of Computer Science and Engineering Ming-Chao (Professor Chiang
Cena od 4 140 Kč
Chci koupitUSA) CA Santa Barbara Private Consulting University of California Irvine Medical Center H.H. Chao Comprehensive Digestive Disease Center Robert (Researcher-Medical Informatics Nisbet, M Gary D. (CEO Miner, M Predictive Analytics LLC, UCI Adjunct Pr
Cena od 2 639 Kč
Chci koupitTexas A Dominique (Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Lord, USA) TD College Station M University, USA) WI Milwaukee Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Xiao (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Qin, Sri Geedipally
Cena od 2 879 Kč
Chci koupitDenmark) Assens Corinna (WEPROGApS Moehrlen, USA) New York University Inc. John W. (MESO Zack, Gregor (Department of Wind Giebel, Denmark) Technical University of Denmark Energy Systems
Cena od 3 450 Kč
Chci koupitCanada) Quebec IRDPQ de Recherche en Readaptation et Integration Sociale (CIRRIS) Centre Interdisciplinaire Universite Laval Researcher Ecole de psychologie Marie-Christine (Associate Professor Ouellet, Ec Simon (Universite Laval Beaulieu-Bonneau
Cena od 1 500 Kč
Chci koupit