USA) SC and Fellow of the European Banking Center Wharton Financial Institutions Center Senior Fellow Financial Intermediation Research Society President University of South Carolina Allen N. (Professor in Banking and Finance Berger, M Karakaplan
Cena od 2 309 Kč
Chci koupitSlovakia) Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Alexander V. (Professor Sirotkin, the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sci Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra Adriana (Professor Kolesarova
Cena od 3 450 Kč
Chci koupitAustralia) South Australia Adelaide University of Adelaide Christopher J. (School of Molecular and Biomedical Science Burrell, UK) Colin R. (University of Birmingham Howard, University of Texa Department of Pathology Frederick A. (professor Murphy
Cena od 2 940 Kč
Chci koupitUSA) Virginia Angi M. (Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Laboratory in Quantico Christensen, USA) NC Nicholas V. (Assistant Professor and the Forensic Anthropology Program Coordinator at Western Carolina University Passalacqua, Eric J. Bartelink
Cena od 2 370 Kč
Chci koupitUSA) GA Athens University of Georgia Pete (Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Bettinger, USA) Kevin (Oregon State University Boston, US GA Athens University of Georgia Jacek P. (Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Siry
Cena od 2 490 Kč
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