China) Hubei School of Materials Science and Engineering of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Bo (Professor Song, China) Jiangsu Nanjing Nanjing Tech University College of Civil Engineering Aiguo (Professor Zhao, Lei (Assistant Zhang
Cena od 4 050 Kč
Chci koupitUnited States) MD Baltimore and the Kennedy Krieger Institute Department of Neurology Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Harvey S. (Professor Emeritus Singer, MD Distinguished Professor in Pediatric N Jonathan W. (Frederick A. Horner Mink
Cena od 4 110 Kč
Chci koupitUSA) M University, Texas A Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering and the Department of Geology and Geophysics Siddharth (Associate Professor Misra, China) Beijing Geoscience Center Yifu (Schlumberger Han, Yuteng (Graduate Student Resea Jin
Cena od 3 540 Kč
Chci koupitSteve A. (Independent Consultant) Rackley, China) Wuhan Wuhan University of Technology Tingzhen (School of Civil Engineering and Architecture Ming, Edin The University of Edinburgh School of Engineering Wei (Institute for Materials and Processes Li
Cena od 3 990 Kč
Chci koupitGreece) Athens University of Peloponnese Speech Therapy Department Kostas (Associate Professor and Chair Konstantopoulos, Belgium) Tournai Hospital Center De Wallonie Picarde Dimitrios (Senior Clinical Fellow in Neurosurgery Giakoumettis
Cena od 3 450 Kč
Chci koupitQatar) Doha HMC Palliative Medicine Azar Naveen (Hamad Medical Corporation Saleem, Qatar) Doha HMC Palliative Medicine Azza Adel (Hamad Medical Corporation Hassan, National Cancer Institute of C Ayman Abdel Kader (Hamad Medical Corporation Allam
Cena od 4 020 Kč
Chci koupitBirmingham UK) University or Birmingham Shangfeng (School of Chemical Engineering Du, USA) NY Fordham University Christopher (Assistant Professor of Chemistry Koenigsmann, M Energie Shuhui (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) Sun
Cena od 1 499 Kč
Chci koupitChina) Tianjin University School of Electrical and Information Engineering Qiuwei (Chair Professor Wu, Denmark) Jin (Technical University of Denmark Tan, Denmark) Technical University of Denmark Menglin (Postdoctoral researcher Zhang, Xiaolong Jin
Cena od 3 688 Kč
Chci koupitShubo Wang, China) Kunming Kunming University of Science and Technology Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Jing (Professor Na, China) Beijing Beijing Institute of Technology School of Automation Xuemei (Professor Ren
Cena od 3 780 Kč
Chci koupitUSA) VA Chantilly Quest Diagnostics/Nichols Institute Coagulation/Blood Bank Edward C.C. (Medical Director Wong, USA) MA Boston Harvard Medical School Hematology Lab Professor of Pathology Carlo (Director Brugnara, DABCC Joely (PhD Straseski
Cena od 3 540 Kč
Chci koupitArgentina) Hospital del Centro Gallego de Buenos Aires Tomas (Former Medical Director Koltai, Canada) University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine Department of Biochemistry Associate Chair Larry (Professor Fliegel, Stephan J. (Associate Prof Reshkin
Cena od 3 630 Kč
Chci koupit