National accounts statistics
analysis of main aggregates, 2017
od United Nations: Department of Economic a Social Affairs: Statistics Division
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This forty-eighth issue provides, in the form of analytical tables, a summary of the principal national accounting aggregates based on official national accounts data for more than 200 countries and areas, covering 1970-2017. It also contains a section on the estimation methods used for compiling data.
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Jazyk: | Angličtina |
Nakladatel: | více informací o United Nations |
ISBN / EAN | 9789211591217 / 9789211591217 |
Vydáno v: | United States |
Autor: | United Nations: Department of Economic a Social Affairs: Statistics Division |
Rozměry: | 280 |
Rok vydání: | 2019 |
Počet stran: | 348 |
Formát: | Pevná vazba |
Stran: | 348 stran, chiefly tables |
Podtitul: | analysis of main aggregates, 2017 |
Illustrace: | chiefly tables |
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