Love, Learning Disabilities and Pockets of Brilliance
How Practitioners Can Make a Difference to the Lives of Children, Families and Adults
od Ryan, Sara
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Find some pockets of brilliance for your practice! Insights and inspiration from families of learning disabled people, who share their lives, challenges and wishes. Discover what sorts of help will really help the people you support.
Chcete se na titul „Love, Learning Disabilities and Pockets of Brilliance“ na něco zeptat? Rádi Vám odpovíme, napište nám!
Jazyk: | Angličtina |
Nakladatel: | více informací o Jessica Kingsley Publishers |
ISBN / EAN | 9781787751910 / 9781787751910 |
Vydáno v: | Velká Británie |
Autor: | Ryan, Sara |
Rozměry: | 152 x 228 x 17 |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Počet stran: | 176 |
Formát: | Paperback / softback |
Váha (g): | 220 |
Stran: | 176 stran |
Podtitul: | How Practitioners Can Make a Difference to the Lives of Children, Families a Adults |
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