Positive Relationships Classroom Activity Book
Teaching Children Age 7-11 about Friendship, Family and Respectful Relationships
od Rogers, Vanessa
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Creative activities and lessons to help children aged 7-11 learn about positive relationships ranging from families, carers and friends to the wider world and the relationship they have with themselves. This inclusive resource also teaches children about online relationships, boundaries and privacy and what a respectful relationships look like.
Chcete se na titul „Positive Relationships Classroom Activity Book“ na něco zeptat? Rádi Vám odpovíme, napište nám!
Jazyk: | Angličtina |
Nakladatel: | více informací o Jessica Kingsley Publishers |
ISBN / EAN | 9781839974892 / 9781839974892 |
Vydáno v: | Velká Británie |
Autor: | Rogers, Vanessa |
Rozměry: | 210 x 294 x 16 |
Rok vydání: | 2024 |
Počet stran: | 192 |
Formát: | Paperback / softback |
Váha (g): | 520 |
Stran: | 192 stran, B&W |
Podtitul: | Teaching Children Age 7-11 about Friendship, Family a Respectful Relationships |
Illustrace: | B&W |
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