Welcome to the Jungle: Rare Tropical Houseplants to Collect, Grow, and Love

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Welcome to the Jungle: Rare Tropical Houseplants to Collect, Grow, and Love koupíte na Knihydobrovsky.cz
715 Kč
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Graduate from ordinary houseplants to extraordinary ones with these 50 desirable, dramatic plants and expert tips on how to obtain, grow, and propagate them.

"A visually stunning book with great information for rare plant collectors."--Morgan Doane and Erin Harding, authors of How to…

If you're bored with the same old entry-level houseplants and long for something new, up your game with Enid Offolter. Called "the Houseplant Queen" by the New York Times, Offolter and her company, NSE Tropicals, are celebrities within the rare plant community, with legions of obsessed Instagram followers and plants that sell in heated auctions for thousands of dollars. In Welcome to the Jungle, Offolter shows you how to grow and propagate some of these exceptional botanicals on your own.

From the king anthurium with its deeply pleated leaves to velvety Colombian beauties known to make collectors drop to their knees, to plants with hot-pink leaves, bizarre corkscrew-shaped flower spikes, lacy fenestration, and dramatic variegation, these amazing aroids (a family of plants known for its extravagant foliage) bring a lush, tropical aesthetic to your home that will make you the envy of all your plant-loving friends. If you're ready to rise up to the next level, Welcome to the Jungle is full of tips, professional advice, behind-the-scenes stories from fellow plant collectors, and the inspiration you need to grow plants that make a statement.

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