Ways of the World: European Representations of Other Cultures: From Homer to Sade

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Ways of the World: European Representations of Other Cultures: From Homer to Sade koupíte na Bookshop.cz
1 719 Kč
Skladem (dodání do 3 dnů)

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This book takes as its subject 'embedded ethnographies', that is, writings about other cultures that are embedded in works before anthroplogy as a discipline emerged in 19C. These range from the Homeric epic to texts of the Enlightenment and beyond, with a strong focus on the response to the…

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Výběr knih autora Peter Mason

Zobrazit všechny knihy autora Peter Mason
Výběr knih vydavatele Sean Kingston Publishing

Zobrazit všechny knihy vydavatele Sean Kingston Publishing
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