TEXTile Manifestoes

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TEXTile Manifestoes koupíte na Martinus.cz
1 224 Kč
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TEXTile Manifestoes koupíte na Martinus.cz
1 336 Kč
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TEXTile Manifestoes koupíte na Dobre-knihy.cz
1 247 Kč
Skladem (odeslání ihned)

TEXTile Manifestoes koupíte na Knihydobrovsky.cz
1 423 Kč
Skladem (odeslání ihned)

Krátký popis

TEXTile Manifestoes je mezioborová antologie, která spřádá nejrůznější otázky spojené s textilním uměním, módou, textualitou a vetkává je do širších politických, sociologických, filosofických a umělecko-historických souvislostí, čímž překračuje rámec jejich vlastní textury. Propojením…

Annotation in English:
The TEXTile Manifestoes is an interdisciplinary anthology that assembles and interweaves questions related to textile art, fashion and textuality into broader political, sociological, philosophical, art history and historical frameworks thereby expanding their range of textural interconnections. This anthology departs from the genre-related ambivalence of the manifesto as a modern male form of authoritatively demanding radically different futures by using the manifesto to connect with the triadic complex of TEXT - TEXTile - TEXTure in order to reflect, refashion and redefine it in creative, critical, deconstructive and decolonial ways. Departing from the structural and metaphorical contiguity of texts and textiles, TEXTile Manifestoes aims to rethink the political and ethical in a world desperately seeking the certainties and clear programmes of modern manifestoes without returning to the worst forms of historical totality. The original project "TEXTile Manifestoes” emerged out of a cross-disciplinary collaboration between several studios at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. Students from the Studios of Fashion and Footwear Design, Graphic Design, Visual Communication and Type Design as well as Photography II worked together to weave textiles and discourses alike to design their manifestoes by combining fashion collections with burning contemporary issues such as mass surveillance, artifical intelligence or virtual reality but also to more private struggles of identity, memory and (mental) health. The students' works were later complemented by and (re)contextualised with international contributions ranging from ancient Andean textile studies to neuropsychoanalysis or from literary and art criticism to aesthetics and musicology. With texts by Kyle Allan, Jayson Althofer, Erik Annerborn, Luciana Benetti Marques Valio, Shelley Burian, Subhradeep Chatterjee, Ingrid Cogne, Arthur Crucq, Evelyn Echle, Pasquale Fameli, Tereza Jiroutová Kynčlová, Paris Lavidis, Elisabeth Längle, Pavel Liška, Veronica Montanino, Robin R. Mudry, Pierluca Nardoni, Anna Maria Panzera, Anika Reineke, I. A. Roland-Rodríguez and Anne Röhl.

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