Reading Bohemia - Readership in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21th century

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Reading Bohemia - Readership in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21th century koupíte na
127 Kč
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Reading Bohemia - Readership in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21th century koupíte na
133 Kč
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Reading Bohemia - Readership in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21th century koupíte na
134 Kč
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Reading Bohemia - Readership in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21th century koupíte na
142 Kč
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The book is based on a presentation of the main data from three statistical representative readership surveys conducted by the Institute of the Czech Literature (the Czech Academy of Sciences) and the National Library of the Czech Republic in 2007, 2010, and 2013. Czech readership culture is…

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