USA) NY Potsdam Clarkson University Ph.D. (Professor Emeritus and was Professor and Chair of the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Daniel T. Valentine, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathem Brian H. (Former Professor Hahn
Cena od 1 499 Kč
Chci koupitUSA) HI Honolulu University of Hawaii at Manoa John A. Burns School of Medicine Department of Native Hawaiian Health Chung Eun (Associate Professor Ha, John A. and Physiology Biochemistry Department of Anatomy N. V. (Emeritus Professor Bhagavan
Cena od 3 690 Kč
Chci koupitMIT) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and professor Anant (Director Agarwal, MIT) Electrical Engineering Jeffrey (Professor Lang
Cena od 2 370 Kč
Chci koupitUK) Bristol Robotics Lab Chenguang (Professor Yang, China) Wuhan Institute of Technology Jing (Associate Professor Luo, UK) University of the West of England Bristol Robotics Laboratory Ning (Senior Lecturer of Robotics Wang
Cena od 3 450 Kč
Chci koupitDenmark Roskilde University Department of People and Technology Bent (Professor Sorensen, Denmark) NOVATOR Advanced Technology Consulting Independent Consultant, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineerin Giuseppe (Associate Professor Spazzafumo
Cena od 2 459 Kč
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