1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare

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1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare koupíte na Bookshop.cz
412 Kč
Skladem (dodání do 3 dnů)

Krátký popis
Presents the history of Shakespeare, following him through a single year that changed not only his fortunes, but the course of literature. In this one year, we follow what he reads and writes, what he saw, and who he worked with as he creates four of his most famous plays - "Henry V", "Julius…

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Výběr knih autora James Shapiro

Zobrazit všechny knihy autora James Shapiro
Výběr knih vydavatele Faber And Faber Ltd.

Zobrazit všechny knihy vydavatele Faber And Faber Ltd.
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